Although we know plastic pollution is extremely bad for our environment, we just can’t stop using them right away. If you also happen to have a plastic bag full of plastic bags at your home, you may also guilty as charged. However, the questions are “how should we deal with the bag of plastic bags”, “how should we avoid using anymore plastic bags?” Here are some solutions for you to make the bad bag to good.

How to Recycle Old Plastic Bags

  • Use the plastic bags are the rubbish bags.
rubbish bags
rubbish bags

This is a common method that people would use, keeping the plastic bags around the house to replace trash can liners in the bathrooms, office and bedrooms. However, plastic bags will never be recycled even they are reused as bin bags, the plastics bags are still filling our already limited landfill space.

  • Use the plastic shopping bags more than once.
rubbish bags
rubbish bags

Take the plastic bags back to the grocery store/ supermarket for reuse in bagging your groceries. Refuse to accept new ones.

  • Crafting with Plastic Bags
Daniel Lanzilotta artwork
Daniel Lanzilotta artwork

Artist Daniel Lanzilotta transforms plastic waste, detritus and rubbish into playful sculptures. He aims to transform trash which might otherwise be ignored into something beautiful.

  • Make a dress if you want
Sarah Harding
Sarah Harding
  • Follow the government regulations

Follow the government regulations relating to plastic management and help the government agencies in dealing with plastic waste.

How to reduce your plastic waste

  • Bring your own shopping bag
Dr. Brigid Costello
Dr. Brigid Costello

Bring you own reusable shopping bags can significantly decrease the amount of plastic use.

  • Avoid buying items packaged in plastic.

Look for produce and other items that aren’t over-packaged. Choose cardboard over plastic bottles and bags.

(3) Skip bottled water.


Stop buying bottled water. Bring your own thermos to the coffee shop.

(4) Bring your own container, bag


Whether you’re picking up takeout or bringing home your restaurant leftovers, be prepared with your own reusable containers. When you place your order, ask if you can get the food placed in your own container. Most restaurants will have no problem with it.

we aren’t scientists and we can’t turn the plastic bags into car fuel, but we can at least avoid using plastic bags. It’s time to say goodbye to plastic bags, and make a difference!

3 thoughts on “THE GOOD, THE BAG

  1. Oh well, I think I did a great job here. I never buy bottled water cuz I always bring my reusable water bottle with me;) Also, I will reuse the plastic bag that if I took from supermarkets for carrying dirty stuff like wet clothes/ shoes after gym. But sometimes it is really hard to bring my own carrier bag when I am buying something that I didn’t expect.


  2. This is really informative! I used to have a metal bottle to stop me chucking out old plastic bottles and it was great but I think I lost it :/ I really need to get into the the habit of taking my own bags to the shop but I keep forgetting!


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